The Flowers of Dunrobin (just for flower fans)

Welcome back! I promised to share the flower pictures from Dunrobin Castle's formal gardens in northern Scotland. If you're not a horticulture fan, feel free to ignore this post. Otherwise, I'll assume you love beautiful flowers like I do, and you might even want to know their official names, which I try to identify using PlantNet, so here goes: Hoary Stock Matthiola incana Giant Bellflower Campanula latifolia Crisped-leaf pelargonium or Lemon geranium (none of the sources had this very cool variegated leaf) Pelargonium crispum Giant onion Allium giganteum (this was a tough one - lots of different Allium options) What if I just say roses? There are so many cultivated roses in gardens here. I'm not an expert :) Atlantic Waterlily Nymphaea candida Fuchsia Fuchsia magellanica Dusty-miller Jacobaea maritima Queen of the Alps Eryngium alpinum Chilean nightshade Solanum crispum Tutsan Hypericum androsaemum Before posting, I decided to add a few more flowers from my bike tou...