Stops along the way


After a couple days visiting Kelly (Christine’s daughter) and her fiancé Guido, June 2- June 5, we will be starting our tour the afternoon of June 5 in Haarlem (outside of Amsterdam).  Follow along with us as we travel to the 11 different cities showing on the map. We finish in Paris on June 26.  After our trip, Christine will head back to Amsterdam and then on to Scotland. I will be flying home!   


  1. Just checking your commenting again. I don't see a way to comment without signing in through Google. But most people should be able to do this eventually. I'm only trying this on my laptop, and I definitely need to use Chrome - Safari browser doesn't work. Your route looks AMAZING, love the map. Pet Pepe for me!

  2. I'd also like to know how to sign up for email notification of updates. Still looking for that! Maybe periodically you could publish on Facebook Rowader family a link to the blog and notification that there's new content - only if it doesn't get too cumbersome! Love you.

    1. Hopefully all the bugs will get worked out, so family and friends can follow along. Thanks for the feedback

  3. Hi Christine and Mary! I hope my comment will post ok! I’m so excited for you both and can’t wait to read all about your travels! I’ll be praying for you along the way! ❤️

  4. Thinking of you both today as you begin your adventure. Safe travels 😘

  5. Above comment was me.


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