Adventures in European Food and Drink - Part 2

We had so many interesting and delicious food and drink experiences during our European travels, I collected a few more examples for a second post on the topic. We had a great meal at Kelly's favorite Thai place in Haarlem. Amsterdam : Taking any of these chocolates home on the plane might be a mistake Gelato! Obviously this is more common in the US now, but many years ago I had it for the first time in Italy, when my favorite flavor was Malaga (rum raisin). I couldn't find it in Italy this time, but strangely just found it back in the Netherlands, in Edam. Mango is my new favorite, but I'm on a quest to try as many different flavors as possible before this trip is over. Mary loves limonade (which is lemon, not lime). Boeuf bougignonne - the pride of the Burgundy region of France. I'm going to jazz up my beef stew with wine from now on. Escargots! From our tour farewell dinner, these were perfectly flavored wi...