Excited to Head back to Italy

 Six more days until I head off on a new adventure.  This will be a first for me!  While I am traveling with the Rick Steves tours for the 2nd time, I will be doing it alone and without my European travel buddy Christine.  I am flying into Rome 2 days before our tour starts, arriving on Thursday October 7 and have exciting sightseeing things planned. Check the blog each day to see what fun adventures I had.  Then I’m joining the tour, with 25 other people, the evening on Saturday October 9!  The map of where we are going is pictured here.

I am most looking forward to exploring a bit more of Ancient Rome, Pompeii and the hillside caves in Matera!  I am also looking forward to being surprised that something else will be my favorite part of the trip!  

More next week.  I leave Wednesday Oct 6 out of Grand Rapids late morning, transferring in Chicago (ORD) then overnight to Rome.  Adventures here I come. 


  1. Can't believe your trip came up so fast! And that I'm not going with you :( Going to see Pompeii is a dream of mine - one of these days I'll get there. I hope you have a fabulous trip and a great tour guide and group!

    1. 😢-sad you’re not going with me. You have always been my travel buddy. I’m looking forward to meeting the whole group

  2. Have the best time! We’ll be praying for you and following your adventures here! Thanks for taking the time to share with us! Love you!

  3. Glad you made it safely!
    Looking forward to reading about your adventures 😍


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