Bath - the final destination!

Monday September 23rd. 

Our roads today will lead to Bath England and our final destination.  The theme in Bath is Georgian England, so our tour guide used Georgian times to describe what our travels would have looked like around 1770-1800s, for someone with comparable income level as those of us on tour.  This included: how we would have looked (me in princess high waist gown with flowing fabrics-inspired by Grecian or old Roman styles); what we would have been traveling in (a private hire coach); and why we would be going to Bath (to go to Roman Baths). It was very fashionable to not only bathe in the waters but to also drink the water - for a curative.  It was a place to see and be seen.  Lisa, our guide said that lots of filming has been done in Bath, because it is so picturesque.  Some examples of tv or film, with scenes shot in Bath are, Northanger Abbey - a Jane Austin story, the film Persuasion - a recent romantic comedy, and the Netflix series Bridgerton.  

On our drive to Bath, we had a bit of a bother, just outside a town called St Columb Major, our bus had a branch snap and hit a back window, shattering the outside window.  Luckily it is a double window, so while not so good, it was cleaned up(after some blew off on the highway) and we kept moving.   Here is our bus driver, the tallest guy on the tour - Michael, and our tour guide knocking off the glass. 

Shortly there after, we tried to get through St Columb Major and in the narrow roads, we got stuck.  We had to wait while the people who had their cars parked on the side of the road were found and were able to move their cars.  It put us back about 45 minutes, but the small village maintenance worker-Martin and the mayor-Paul, helped us and we got moving.   

Here is our bus, 

The roads were super narrow. 

Getting directions from the locals aka mayor Paul.

We took advantage of the situation and did what we do best- do some quick sightseeing and of course use the loo.  This picture was on the side of a building - it says the town was the home of hurling for over 500 years and had this little poem. “ Town and Country do your best, For in the parish, I must rest. Comrade show your colors” 

Then there was the really nice WWI war memorial and beautiful parish church.  

After lots of rain and heavy traffic, we finally made it to Bath.  We checked into our hotel and, of course, since we are Rick Steves, we put on our rain gear and headed out for an hour walk to get our bearings in the city.    Bath has so many historical places that it is listed as a UNESCO Heritage site.  Hopefully I will see a lot of those tomorrow before I head home.  

After drying off, I ate my last dinner with the tour group and said my goodbyes both after dinner and the next morning.  Tuesday I will be on my own. 

What a fabulous group to be a part of! 


  1. Bath is so cool! Definitely feels like you're in a Jane Austen novel. Or movie 😀


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